From Introduction to Implementation
An interactive, engaging, hands-on workshop for those who will deliver the Beginnings Curriculum. The session is designed to introduce the Beginnings curriculum, familiarize participants with the Curriculum DVD and the accompanying Music CD. The session will also explore how to utilize and implement these materials in a classroom setting.
Workshop topics include:
- The philosophies and pedagogy associated with the We R 3C, Inc. Curricula
- The We R 3C Curriculum Process Model and methodologies
- The Rubrics of Character Education and Social and Emotional learning
- Hands-on exploration and instruction in using the Curriculum DVD and Music CD
- Scheduling curriculum delivery for first year of implementation
$250 per person: Minimum of 10 participants
$125 per person after initial minimum of 10 up to 20 participants maximum
All materials are included in this session: In New York, BOCES FUNDING AVAILABLE
Please contact WE R 3C, Inc. for invoicing by phone or email below.